Screenshot of Android App Store Submission (Google Play) template
  • Software Engineering

Android App Store Submission (Google Play)

You've created an amazing app and you're ready to share it with the world. Fantastic! But before you can do that, you need to submit it for approval to the Google Play Store. This process can seem daunting, but it's not as difficult as it seems. We've created a Quest to walk you through the steps involved in submitting an app for approval.

Screenshot of College Admissions Form template
  • Education

College Admissions Form

Attract top talent to your college by offering a modern and streamlined application process with this Quest that collects all the key information you need from prospective students.

Screenshot of Daily Gratitude template
  • Personal

Daily Gratitude

A daily gratitude form is a tool that helps individuals cultivate a daily practice of expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of their lives. This form typically includes a series of prompts or questions designed to prompt reflection on the things that one is grateful for.

Screenshot of Deal Closing: Finance template
  • Investment Management

Deal Closing: Finance

Once you’re happy with all of the financial implications of your next investment, it’s time to confidently close the deal and move on to the next stage of your business journey. It’s easier to do this when you have  put a reliable mechanism in place to initiate your capital call process, obtain transfer signatures and issue payment.

Screenshot of Deal Closing: Legal template
  • Investment Management

Deal Closing: Legal

So you’ve finally found the business opportunity you’ve been waiting for, and now it’s time to seal the deal. Deal closing is the point at which all parties involved in a business transaction agree to the terms and conditions of the deal 🤝  If you close a lot of deals, this Quest will simplify the process for collaborating on reviewing terms.

Screenshot of Deal Flow template
  • Investment Management

Deal Flow

No matter how experienced you are as a venture capitalist, it's important to have a process in place for reviewing deals (alone or as part of an investment committee). This process should include  steps for assessing the attractiveness of a deal ,  determining the fit of a company  with your firm's investment thesis, and  collectively deciding whether or not to move forward with a deal .

Screenshot of Discord Moderator Application template
  • Gaming

Discord Moderator Application

Automate approving & onboarding new moderators for your Discord Server with one click! 🪄 Click here to join our Discord Server for help and feature requests!

Screenshot of Due diligence post onboarding checklist template
  • Investment Management

Due diligence post onboarding checklist

Conducting due diligence is an essential part of being a venture capitalist. By taking the time to carefully examine a potential investment, you can minimize your risk and make sure you're backing a sound business.

  • Human Resources

Employee Recognition & Rewards

Enable your team to send rewards to recognize each other's work. Featuring an optional review step before issuing rewards.

Screenshot of Employment Application template
  • Human Resources

Employment Application

Make it easy & fun for your applicants to apply for the job and collect all the necessary information you need along the way!

Screenshot of Feedback for Businesses template
  • Customer Management

Feedback for Businesses

One of the best ways to improve your business is to collect customer feedback, so you can  gain valuable insights into what your customers want and need , and  identify areas where you can improve your customer experience . However, collecting customer feedback can be tricky – especially if you don’t know where to start.

Screenshot of First Week At Work template
  • Human Resources

First Week At Work

The first week of any new job is always a little daunting. But with the right preparation, it can also be a lot of fun. We'll give you some tips on how to make your new hire's first week a success and cover everything from setting expectations to getting them up to speed on company culture.

Screenshot of Founder Onboarding template
  • Investment Management

Founder Onboarding

Onboarding new founders is an essential part of being a venture capitalist. By taking the time to properly onboard new founders, you can help them hit the ground running and avoid any potential disasters down the road. Use this Quest to  capture your founders name, bio and profile image so you can promote them on your site, and send them swag.

Screenshot of Fundraising template
  • Startups


As a Startup, you know that fundraising is key to your success 🔑  But how do you go about it in the most effective way possible? In this post, we’re going to share how we created a  fundraising experience that helped us raise US$1.5M during our seed round at US$13.5M . Raise Funds For Your Startup: This is the Quest we used to raise USD$1.5M during our seed round at USD$13.5M. Our investors LOVED the experience. Yours will too 😉 (you can edit each item).

Screenshot of iOS App Store Submission (Apple) template
  • Software Engineering

iOS App Store Submission (Apple)

Creating an app is just the beginning. Once it's finished, you need to submit it to the Apple App Store for approval. This process can be tricky, so it's important to make sure everything is in order before submission. To help make the process easier, we've put together a checklist of the steps you need to take to have the best chance of your new App being approved!

Screenshot of Leave Request template
  • Human Resources

Leave Request

The leave request form provides employers with an organized and streamlined process for tracking employee time off requests. By using this form, employers can ensure compliance with their leave policies and make informed decisions about scheduling and staffing.

Screenshot of Loan Application Form template
  • Finance

Loan Application Form

This loan application form is a comprehensive tool designed to help applicants provide all the necessary information required to apply for a loan. This form is designed to simplify the loan application process for both applicants and lenders, making it easier for applicants to provide complete and accurate information, and for lenders to evaluate the application quickly and efficiently.

Screenshot of My First Quest template
  • Other

My First Quest

Learn about all the possibilities and different item types you can use in a Quest. This is a great way to just explore how a Quest is build and the great things you can put in them!

Screenshot of New Hire Paperwork Checklist template
  • Human Resources

New Hire Paperwork Checklist

Automating your new hire paperwork can help to speed up the process, make it less overwhelming for new employees, and ensures that all the required paperwork is collected and filed correctly.

Screenshot of Operational Metrics Report template
  • Investment Management

Operational Metrics Report

Operational metrics provide a window into the day-to-day workings of a company. For Venture Capitalists (VCs), operational metrics are essential for understanding a company's overall health and making informed investment decisions. Operational metrics help VCs determine whether a company is on track to meet its goals, and to identify potential problems before they become too costly.

Screenshot of Parental Consent Form And Release Form template
  • Education

Parental Consent Form And Release Form

This Parental Consent and Release Form is designed to obtain permission from parents or guardians, allowing their child to participate in specific activities.

Screenshot of Performance Self-Assessment template
  • People Management

Performance Self-Assessment

The Performance Self-Assessment Quest helps managers and members of their teams to have an open and ongoing dialogue regarding their contributions to the wider team, as well as their career goals and progression. Once set up, Questmate will invite members of your team on a regular basis (we recommend quarterly) to the Quest, removing all the usual work and friction involved in preparing for their performance assessments.

Screenshot of Portfolio Company Onboarding template
  • Investment Management

Portfolio Company Onboarding

Most venture capitalists take pride in the companies they've invested in. After all, these are the companies that have the potential to become the next big thing. So why not promote these companies on your website? How? ‍ Create a dedicated page for each company, and include a brief summary, logo, contact information and any other relevant details . ‍

Screenshot of Purchase Order template
  • Other

Purchase Order

This Quest template is designed to facilitate the process of placing a purchase order. It collects essential information such as the requester's name and contact details, vendor's company and contact information, detailed order, shipping address, and any additional notes. The template ensures a smooth and efficient ordering process. ‍

Screenshot of Simple Bodyweight Workout template
  • Personal

Simple Bodyweight Workout

Our bodyweight workout form is a challenging and dynamic program designed to improve your strength, endurance, and overall fitness using only your bodyweight. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, our program is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Screenshot of Team Standup template
  • Startups

Team Standup

This is the Quest app we use to get the most from our  daily team standups , even when our team is sprinkled across the globe and in different time zones. We’re able to  stay on the same page, asynchronously  🥰  “Align With Your Team, No Matter Where They Are In The World! 🌍”

Screenshot of Update Logo & Brand Assets template
  • Software Engineering

Update Logo & Brand Assets

Make sure your app is properly branded . Start by creating an app launch asset library checklist. This will help you launch each new app quickly and effectively.

Screenshot of User Interview template
  • Customer Research

User Interview

Use this Quest to stay on track during your interviews and write down all your learnings from your interview partner.

  • Other

Vehicle Booking: Car Pickup & Return

Manage the pickup & return of your vehicle. Grant access to your Tesla for the time of your booking, directly from this Quest.

Screenshot of Visitor Registration template
  • Workspace Management

Visitor Registration

Greet your guests and employees with a seamless and secure solution that enhances your front desk and protects your workspace. Try the interactive “Pengu HQ” demo or click the button below and be all set up with only a few clicks 🎉