Feedback for Businesses

Feedback for Businesses

One of the best ways to improve your business is to collect customer feedback, so you can gain valuable insights into what your customers want and need, and identify areas where you can improve your customer experience.

However, collecting customer feedback can be tricky – especially if you don’t know where to start.


Automate Your Feedback Collection Process: This is the Quest we created to help Fishburners (a startup hub with 2000+ startups) provide an easy way for their startups to ask for help & make suggestions.

Tip: Create a poster with a QR code that links to the Feedback Quest, to make it easy for people to reach you without you having to tell them where to go.

Key benefits

✅ Schedule Regular Feedback Loops

Regular feedback loops are key to helping you spot (and respond to) the trends in how your customers view your business. Set and forget your feedback loops with one-off or repeating schedules 🗓

✅ Assign Feedback to One and All

Questmate lets you assign your feedback quest to one person or entire teams of people. When combined with our scheduling feature, this’ll save you some serious admin time ⏳

✅ Encourage Submissions With Custom Rewards

Questmate goes one step further than most feedback templates, apps or tools, in giving you the ability to add custom rewards like gift cards, charity donations and celebratory messages etc 💝

How To Create A Customer Feedback Survey

✅ Decide what you want to learn from your survey. Are you looking for feedback on your products? Your customer service? Or maybe you just want to know what customers think of your company in general.

✅ Come up with some questions that will help you gather that information. Try to keep your questions short and simple, and make sure they're relevant to what you're trying to learn. It’s easier to gain insight from open questions (opinion-based rather than yes/no questions).

✅ Create an online feedback experience using Questmate (or a platform like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms).

✅ Make sure to promote your feedback platform! Let your customers know that you're looking for feedback and that they can participate by taking the survey (e.g. newsletter link, post it on your website or create a QR code poster).

Works with

Dovetail Logo
Slack Logo
Tremendous Logo
Vestaboard Logo