The Best 5 Daily Standup Apps Right Now In 2023

Jump straight to the “wrapping up” conclusion for a TL;DR

Daily Standup Apps 🐧🐧🐧

Whether you’re a startup with less than 10 members or an enterprise scale company with multiple teams or departments, it’s critical that you have a system in place to help keep your team aligned on a daily basis.

The ultimate goal of team alignment meetings is to make it so that every team member is able to filter the hundreds of micro decisions they make each day through the lens of the same shared outcomes.

Without a consistent way to stay in touch, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks. Especially when you have a mix of co-located and remote team members (e.g. working from home while self-isolating, visiting family for an extended period, or fully remote members etc).

Which is why asynchronous daily standup solutions are so popular right now. They’re a great way to consistently check-in with your team and prepare for your face-to-face meetings (whether in-person or over zoom).

Here are some of the best standup apps on the market right now:

  1. Questmate
  2. Geekbot
  3. Range
  4. Jell
  5. Polly

#1. Questmate

Team alignment is our top priority here at Questmate. We want every team member to be able to leverage their own expertise and intuition, while also being able to filter each of the hundreds of micro decisions they make each day through the lens of the same shared outcome-focused goal.

As a hybrid team, we agree with Hummel et al’s findings that the most effective way to collaborate as a hybrid team is to use a mix of synchronous and asynchronous strategies (2013). For us that means a combination of face-to-face (in-person or zoom) meetings and our daily standup app for consistent team alignment.

Penguins having a hybrid Huddle.

Custom standup questions with helpful guidance 🗺

Questmate’s daily standup app provides a consistent way for teams to set their intentions for the day, reflect on yesterday’s progress and mention any blockers they’re facing 🥳

Guidance on the Standup Quest, e.g. "Smart Goal Setting"

Schedule and assign easily and flexibly 📆

Whatever standup app you choose, it’s a good idea to pick something that makes it as easy as possible to:

Quest Assignments & Scheduling

Leverage your team’s collective wisdom 🤯

One of the major benefits of using a standup app is that you can revisit the entire history of your team’s standup responses. This’ll help you spot common questions asked and blockers faced.

Standup posted to Slack

Penguins sharing their wisdom

Build the features you wish you had 🚀

If you have some coding experience, you can write a script to do something with the standup responses. Questmate has a built-in escape hatch (powered by Scriptable) where you can code your own features to fill in any gaps that other tools might not solve for you.

Questscript Code Editor

#2. Geekbot

Geekbot is an adorable little AI-powered chatbot that lets you run standup meetings in Slack or Microsoft Teams. At a time of your choosing, specific team members will receive a private DM containing the first standup question. Once they’ve provided a response, the next question is asked and so on until completed. Once the standup is completed, a copy will be posted on a dedicated channel for everyone else to see.



#3. Range

Range describes themselves as a “place for remote & hybrid teams to check-in with each other, both async and real-time”. The default team-check-in consists of a traffic light system mood tracker, a space for planning your top 3 priorities, a space to talk about the progress you have made recently, and a prompt that changes from day-to-day.



#4. Jell

Jell is a dual-purposed tool. It lets you answer daily team check-in questions, and set team-wide goals and OKRs. Jell describes themselves as a tool for automating your daily standup meetings for Slack, Microsoft Teams & Web.



#5. Polly

Polly is a way to send polls to collect data from your team over chat. They have integrations for Slack, Microsoft Teams and more. When participating in a Polly Standup, your team members will be sent a message in their team channel with a “Start Polly” button. After clicking, a window pops up with the standup questions.



Wrapping up 🌯

The best way to keep your team consistently aligned whether you’re fully co-located, remote or a mix of both, is to use a mix of face-to-face and asynchronous (in your own time) strategies (Hummel et al, 2013).

This post has been all about the latter, amazing daily standup tools that help your team check-in with each other and get even more value from their face-to-face meetings, having prepared with the help of any of the following 5 standup apps:

1. Questmate

You can also use Questmate for many other team processes, like employee onboarding, collecting customer feedback/contact forms and any other kind of recurring workflows.

2. Geekbot - Answer standup questions one-by-one in slack, and ask for highlights from previous responses.

3. Range - Pull tasks in from your fave productivity apps, and add ice-breakers or mood checks to your daily standups.

4. Jell - Set OKRs for your team and link your daily activities (daily standup ‘working on’ question) to them.

5. Polly - Collect data from your team via Slack polls, including Daily Standups.

Let us know which one works best for you and your team! 🎉

Penguin tumbling into the world of Questmate.

Tumble into the world of Questmate. Woo hoo! 🎉